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Wishing You a Blessed New Year

Published: 1/3/2025

We wish you and your loved ones a blessed and joyous new year! As we begin the year, we look back on 2024 with immense gratitude in our hearts for your continued generosity and support of our mission to share the love of the Heart of Christ in the world.

We were blessed to celebrate many milestone moments in 2024, including the Perpetual Profession of Sr. Allison Lorraine Masserano in July. That same weekend, we celebrated with our four junior professed Sisters as they renewed their temporary vows, and joyfully welcomed a third Sister into the Novitiate (the second stage of initial formation). 

When you make a gift to the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you help us to provide our Sisters in formation with the education, spiritual guidance, and resources they need to prepare for a life of service. 

We also shared in the joy of nine Apostles who celebrated milestone jubilees totaling 540 years of service to the Church. Among our jubilarians were Sr. Eleanor Perfetto, Sr. Maria Battaglia, and Sr. Dolorita Colianni, three of our retired Sisters who celebrated 65, 70, and 85 years of religious profession. Affectionately known as Apostle Adorers, our retired Sisters lovingly spend much of their days in adoration, praying for your needs and the needs of the world. 

When you make a gift to the Apostles, you partner with us to ensure all of our retired Sisters at Sacred Heart Manor receive the loving and dignified care they need. 

Thank you partnering us to make Christ better known, loved, and served. Our ministries and our mission would not be possible without you. We pray God bless you and your loved ones this year and that the love of Christ will fill your heart with HOPE in all circumstances!

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